Brief Answer:
yes, Wheat Grass is good for digestive health
Detailed Answer:
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply.
Wheat grass, as mentioned, improves the
metabolism. hence it does help in
weight loss, but at the same time it's not as effective alone.
The effect of wheat grass or its products in treatment of Lax GE are not clearly established as yet. However, since its rich in multiple minerals and vitamins and that too in a harmonious balance, thus it is considered good for overall digestive health.
In Lax GE junction, the food is pushed back towards the
esophagus from the stomach, as the valve becomes loose and fails to lock. This causes heart bun and bloated feeling.
Diet plays a central role in the management of this condition. It is important to identify the key foods that aggravates the symptoms, which may vary from person to person. To keep a record of your food intake it’s necessary for you to maintain a FOOD DIARY.
The foods that are found to increase the reflux are:
• Fried food- avoid deep fried foods and limit the fat intake to 4-5 tsp. per day.
• Caffeine: limit tea and coffee to 2 cups a day.
• Spices and condiments: use only the necessary seasonings, keep the spice profile of your diet as low as possible.
• Aerated drinks: cola and soda based drinks increase the chances of having a
gastric reflux, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.
• Limit the use of garlic, onion, chilies, capsicum etc. and keep a close eye on how your body reacts to intake of green leafy vegetables and whole grains.
• Avoid alcohol and smoking.
• Citrus foods like oranges, tomato and lemon may trigger reflex, strictly avoid these foods on an empty stomach.
• Plan small and frequent meals so that there is enough space for the food in the stomach. Small meals are also digested easily and quickly.
• Do not take water and other drinks with the meals. This causes dilution of the food in stomach resulting in reflux. Also avoid drinking fluids immediately before and after the meals.
• Refined food and bakery products, should be cut down.
Lifestyle modifications that may help you:
• Make sure that there is a gap of 2 hours between dinner and bed time.
• Chew your food properly and take enough time to finish the meals.
• Avoid wearing tight clothing while and after having food.
• Elevate your sleeping bed, instead of using the pillow. Place wooden blocks under the head of your bed.
Weight management is an important requirement in
acid reflux. Excessive body fat exerts pressure on the stomach causing
• Do not do any heavy activity after eating, instead go for a light walk to stimulate better digestion.
• Combat stress and start exercising. Ensure that the timings of meal and activity are thoughtfully planned.
Some foods that are found to be helpful in management of acid reflux include fiber rich sources like oats and salad. Include apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, ginger, melons, plantain, parsley and Couscous. Light vegetables like carrot, bottle gourd and pumpkin are also helpful, especially when taken in the dinner.
Hope this would help.
Stay fit.