Itching In Aus, Parasitic Infestation, Blood Specks In Stools, Mebendazole
Thanks for your query.
First i think that you need a rectal exam.If you already had one and its normal then its fine.If you havent,then you need a rectal exam to rule out piles etc.
The itching and blood specks in the stools could be signs of parasitic infestation.
You need a stool examination to look for an intestinal worms etc that might cause the itching.Worm infestation is a pretty common condition, especially if you eat out a lot.
You will need albendazole /mebendazole to treat that.You primary physician will have to give you a prescription for that.
The on and off pain could be associated with that too.You are also constipated.
Increase XXXXXXX leafy vegetables XXXXXXX fibre,water in your diet.
Use a laxative for a few days if necessary.
I suggest you get a stool test and the anti parasitic medications to start with.