Keep Getting Heart Flutter Mostly At Night. Feel An Adrenaline Rush. Why Does It Keep Happening?
Thank you for your query.
It is possible that the flutter that you are feeling is due to an arrhythmia of the heart. This could be in the form of extra-systoles, couplets, non-sustained or sustained tachycardia.
You certainly need more investigations to confirm the diagnosis and to plan treatment. Initially, you need a baseline ECG, a 24-hour Holter test to capture the arrhythmia (since it is happening regularly at night and lasts only a few seconds), echo of the heart, routine blood tests including electrolytes and thyroid function tests.
I would also advise you to review any medication that you may be currently taking. You also need to reduce the intake of tea/coffee/stimulant drinks, etc. Avoid smoking/exposure to smoke. Reduce your anxiety/stress levels and try to get an undisturbed sleep. These general measures will help to a large extent.
If you can get the results of the suggested investigations uploaded to this website, I can help you to interpret them and give you a more specific answer.
Awaiting your response,
With regards,
Dr Raja Sekhar Varma,
Consultant Cardiologist