Knocked In Sternum. Collapsed With Sharp Headache. Do You Think It Is An Injury? Are There Long Term Side Effects?
From the description of events it looks that the knock on sternum has resulted in a hit on the solar plexus resulting in temporary collapse.
The solar plexus is located just below the center of the ribcage. A strike to this area causes the diaphram, which is the muscle that controls lung inflation and deflation, to spasm. In this state, one is unable to take a breath until the diaphram returns to normal. So, when you get whacked here, you can't breathe.
Although there can be various damages due to strike on solar plexus like fracture of ribs or sternum,injury to liver,gall bladder,stomach,spleen or may be at abdominal aorta but all these should cause various problems to the person.
Since your son is alright even after 24 hours suggest that he seems to be completely normal and no XXXXXXX injury seems to be there.However keep a watch on him for next couple of days and in case you find some abnormal symptom,you can go to ER.
There are no longterm effects or damages caused by injury like this.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck.
It looks highly unlikely in him since he is very young and also doesn't have any previous history of heart ailment.
Relax and don't worry.