Looking For Help For Pemphigoid Bullous In Throat, Mouth And Hands?
It is in my throat --mouth--on my throat and hands.
Thanks for your query.
Bullous pemphigoid is a condition that mostly affects people above the age of 60, and the cause is unknown, but there is abnormal immune response by your body , against the tissue of your own skin, causing it to peel off and form blisters.
Some medications might trigger it too, but you have not mentioned that you are on any right now.Notable ones include penicillin, furosemide ( diuretic ) , sulfasalazine etc.
Radiation and UV light can trigger it too.
You should see your doctor right away - complications of bullous pemphigoid can be infection of the blister leading to serious sepsis , or permanent scars in the mouth, eyes and other sensitive parts.
IF the diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy , treatment options include -
2. Immunosuppresants.
3. Antibiotics like tetracycline
4. Vitamins - Niacin
5. dapsone
6. Methotrexate
7. Other antiinflammatory drugs.
With the condition affecting your throat also, you would require intensive medication, best tailored by your doctor after examining the severity of the disease.
Till you get an appointment, avoid sun exposure, avoid friction and rubbing and injuring of the affected parts, cover the ruptured blisters with sterile dressings, and eat bland things and mostly liquids, which would not corrode the lining of the blisters in the throat.
Take care.