Low HCT/PCV, Lower Creatinine Level, Elevated Phosphorus And Albumin. What's Wrong?
A low HCT / PCV is suggestive of anemia - common causes could be iron or like MCV, CH, MCHC and Reiculocyte count are necessary to figure out what may be the probable cause for anemia.
Usually a low Creatinine and Uric acid is not a matter of concern, especially in children, but it may be indicative of a decreased muscle mass. Only high values are worrying.
High phosphate levels can be due to the following causes:
- Children have a slightly higher phosphate level than adults.
- Increased dietary intake: foods such as candy, soft drinks, pre-packaged foods, chocolate, ice cream, ketchup, mayonnaise and processed cheese contain high levels of phosphate.
- Hypoparathyroidism (underactivity of the parathyroid glands) can result in an imbalance in the phosphorus and calcium levels.
- Kidney failure (but this is accompanied by other test abnormalities like high creatinine and urea).
A high albumin level does not usually indicate an specific medical condition, but can often be due to dehydration. Other causes are chronic infections, vitamin A deficiency and rarely due to heart problems.
Please remember that minor and isolated variations in test results may not signify a significant medical problem, and these test results have to be interpreted only in the background of clinical findings.
Wish you all the best.
Dr. Sheeba Stephen
Emergency Medicine Specialist