Mild Enlargement Of Liver, Focal Hepatic Lesions, Cortical Prominence In Mid Pole. Treatment ?
Thanks for the query.
The liver enlargement in Ultrasound can be due to many cause. It says mild enlargement. This can be a normal variant and might not need any evaluation. Any infection, current or in recent past can lead to such mild enlargement. Be reassured about it. It will not need any treatment.
The concern is the cortical prominence in the mid pole of left kidney (3 cms).
Normal variant vs Mass Lesion. Well, there is concern of renal mass and your must get evaluated further to rule out real malignancy.
A contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen will be recommended to ascertain the exact nature of the renal lesion. Do consult your physician in this regards.
Hope this answers your query.
Please get back if you need any further information
Thanks and Regards
Dr Kiran
Thanks for the follow up.
The most common malignancy of Kidney is Renal Cell Carcinoma. It won't cause renal failure, but can spread in the body if not treated.
It not confirmed as yet on USG abdomen.
As such masses can be benign(non cancerous) also.
However, a contrast CT will be need to differentiate it from benign lesions.
Thanks and Regards
Dr Kiran