Mild Lower Back Pain. Urine Test Done, Shows HGB, WBC, RBC. Urine Infection?
Thanks for posting your query.
A detectable HGB in urine at 1+ means there is some hemoglobinuria. Passing of mild amount of blood with RBCs in the urine are indicative of presence of calculi in the renal tract.
Oral antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment. Usually the hemoglobin reduces to traces- almost undetectable levels after 2-3 days of antibiotic treatment.
Presence of 5-10 WBCs in the urine sample are not a worrisome finding and are suggestive of very mild infection. RBCs 4-10 also indicates that there is either infection or a calculi.
Repeat urine analysis and ultrasound examination of abdomen will help in diagnosing any renal pathology.
Please do not worry. You will be fine soon.
I hope this answers your query effectively.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.
Wishing you good health.
Thanks for writing again.
There is no need to go to an emergency room right now. The oral antibiotics can be given by your physician.
The heavy lifting that you did might also be the reason of mild back pain. You can start with tablet Ibuprofen 400mg, one tablet after breakfast and dinner for three days. Hot fomentation and local analgesic gels will also help in relieving the pain.
Some measures which can help your urinary problem:
1)Drink lots of water.
2)Empty the bladder completely as soon as you feel the urge to urinate.
3)Pass the urine before and after intercourse.
4)Wear loose cotton undergarments and wash them in antiseptic solution.
5)Take Cranberry juice as it inhibits bladder infection.
6)Take Vitamin C tablet Celin once a day for few months. It will help in increasing your immunity.
Hope my answer is helpful.Wishing you good health.