Need Whitening Of Teeth. Can Dental Floss Or Using Mouth Wash Be Done Everyday?
Do you recommed dental floss or using mouth wash everyday ?
Thanks for writing in.
I would like to tell you that you can go for teeth whitening by procedure called bleaching.But its not permanent treatment & also has certain side effects like sensitivity of teeth because it reduces outer layer of tooth.
Whenever you will take any staining agents your teeth will again turn yellowish again.
Various tips for whiter & healthier teeth are:-
1. Brush your teeth regularly in proper method.
2. Remove any irritants if any which causes gingivitis.
3. Remove plaque mechanically using chlorhexidine mouthwashes, listerine or triclosan.
4. Use soft bristle toothbrush and dental floss.
5. Brush your teeth in back-forth and up-down motion.
6. Visit your dentist and get your teeth cleaned professionally to remove the subgingival plaque.
Mouthwash should be used for 15 days followed by gap because prolonged use results in staining of teeth & also suppression of beneficial oral flora.But flossing can be done everyday.
I told you both advantages & disadvantages of treatment.
Now you can consult your dentist for further treatment.
Hope, I have clarified your query. If any doubt, please feel free to ask.
Dr.Neha Sumra