Nerve, Sensation Damage, Numbness In Legs, Lower Back. Used Too Much Meth. How To Heal The Numbness?
The tingling sensation you are feeling certainly are symptoms of a problems with the nerves, generally called peripheral neuropathies. This could also be due to a lesion at the level of the lumbar nerve roots that supply the lower limbs with nerves.
A critical evaluation is first of all required. A complete blood count and medical history to ascertain all risk factors and exposures are important. Examinations such as the X XXXXXXX and scans of the spine could be done to be sure its not nerve root compression problem. Electromyogrammes, nerve exams within the muscles in the lower limbs shall also be important.
A fast conclusion to start oils and massages in my humble opinion should be retarded a bit, until a clear causative analysis of these symptoms are well elucidated.
I suggest you book an appointment with a neurologist for a proper clinical evaluation.
However, oils and massage, parts of physiotherapy usually help. This also depends largely on the cause of these symptoms.
Wishing you good health.
Thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.