Noticed Brown Spotting After Taking Morning After Pill. Is There Any Chances Of Pregnancy?
Thanks for the query.
The chance of pregnancy is very less in your case as:
You had intercourse around the 7th day of the cycle. In case of regular periods usually ovulation will not occur at that time.
Emergency pill can cause side effects like menstrual irregularities and your brown discharge can be because of that.
You got your regular periods in time.
Pregnancy test in negative.
You are not having any pregnancy symptoms.
Emergency pill can cause abdominal cramps, bloating sensation etc. but usually that may not last this much long.
So no need to worry, you can just take symptomatic treatment like antacids, antispasmodics etc.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.
Sometimes urine pregnancy test kits can give false negative and also false positive results in early pregnancy.
So better to undergo blood test for pregnancy for accurate results or repeat urine test one week after the first test.
Wish you Good Health, If you are satisfied with my response please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.
Tests however a pain persists in my lower right quadrant and I still have a lot of gas. This pain is going on since I took the MAP and actually the 6 th October when I started the brown bleed. I went to my gp and they put it down to be bowel trouble I was given laxatives and although my pain isn't as severe as it was its still there and I feel it more if I walk a lot or its not that its excruciating it just annoying and I'm so scared it might be an etopic pregnancy. Could this be even though I have taken 3 tests all negative. And I've waited a week between each test. The last one I took was yesterday. I'm scared as I do no wish for my parents to find out. I still do have a lot of gas well more than usual and thinking back this gas started one hour after taking this pain. What are the chances of this been an etopic pregnancy or has the MAP caused damage to my right ovary. I have no tenderness when pressed on! I would appreciate your opinion. I've been to 2 different docs and they seemed not alarmed. The gp who did the test said that a etopic would still show on a pregnancy test. It's been 6 weeks since I took the map now
It is true that pregnancy test can come positive in case of ectopic pregnancy also.
But as all the three pregnancy tests were negative there is very less chance for pregnancy.
As your symptoms are persisting better to go for ultrasound examination which can rule out the possibility ectopic pregnancy and also can found out the cause for your pain like pelvic inflammatory disease or any intestinal causes etc.
Emergency pill can delay the periods by altering the hormones but it usually will not damage the ovaries.
Wish you Good Health, If you are satisfied with my response please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.