Noticed Lump Behind Ear. Hard To Touch. What Cause The Node To Swell? Possibility Of Cancer?
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations regarding the symptoms you are experiencing.
The most likely cause of the symptoms you are experiencing is what we call we active lymphadenopathy. This is our response of your immune system to some type of stimulating agent which might include a virus or bacteria or even some type of pollen or allergen in the environment.
These types of reactive lymph nodes generally will slowly resolved over about 10 to 14 days.
I would keep an eye and this for the time being. I would not try to press or touch this area for now as well. If this area does not improve or if it gets larger in about two weeks then you might bring it to the attention of your primary care doctor.
It is very unlikely that this is some type of cancer or lymphoma.
Thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you have found my response to be helpful and reassuring. If you have additional concerns I would be happy to discuss them with you.
Dr. Robert
The pain in the neck might be related to this as tere might be some inflammation going on around the lymph node which could contribute to tenderness. You might try taking some ibuprofen a few times per day to see if this helps.
I think a good 10 days should be enough time to declare what this actually is.
Tha ks again for the query. I'm here if you have any other concerns.
Dr. Robert