Noticed Lump Under Jaw. Family History Of Cancer. What Are The Possibility Of Cancer?
We are worried in case this is a cancer lump . Her father died of prostate cancer at age 56. when XXXXXXX was eighteen. My sister had a breast removed in her sixties. XXXXXXX is having a very nervous time right now, She has an appointment to see her doctor on Monday. If the diagnosis is cancerous how must I best support her? We have a mother / daughter conflict. As a child her father spoiled her and I was the one who had to discipline her. We haven't been on speaking terms since November 2011 when I refused to stand guarantor for a proposed loan she wanted to take out for $150,000 to get a franchise to deliver Wonder Bread. After consulting with a trusted friend, a very XXXXXXX entrerpreneur, who advised me that this was too big a risk, XXXXXXX (My daughter) sent me an e-mail photo of the house I am stayi, in three weeks each year , I suspected then that there was something different about the relationship. I love XXXXXXX Is there any other possibility for the cause of this lump , like a tooth related cause,
Thanks for posting your query.
I apprecite your love and kindness regarding your daughter.
I also appreciate your financial decision and give you strength during these days.
1) Kindly answer the following details:
a) Is there any difficulty in swallowing? Any tooth problem may cause difficulty in
mouth opening and pain inside the mouth.
b) Is there any history of weight loss? Any type of cancer may lead to weight loss.
c) Is this grape like mass moving with tounge movement? This shows that mass is
originating from residual thyroid tissue.
d) What is the consistency of mass?
2) If there is no pain during swallowing then there is least chances of tooth problem.
Put yor query if you have.
Best Regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava
She doen't want me to go with her to the doctor.
How can I best help her?
If all answers are no, then it appears to be related with overlying skin and lymph nodes.
You should consult physician on her behalf, and should get antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication on written prescription.
This will definitely help her.
Dr. Mayank