Noticed Red, Blue And Orange Colour In Echo Cardiogram. What Does These Colours Mean?
Thanks for writing in.
I am a qualified and certified cardiologist. I read your letter with diligence.
Colors in echocardiography mean (by default) Red depicts blood coming towards transducer and blue going away from the transducer (it can be set in opposite manner), the density of a color reflects the velocity of flow and its setting is displayed on the printout and that is also adjustable. So, it is the choice of the echocardiographer which colors he/she wants to see or show. Yes, mosaic or magenta color represents turbulence in flow of blood. Therefore, what the echocardiography & Doppler report says matters not the colors on accompanying photograph. Any proportion of red and/or blue in a perfectly normal echo cardiograph photo can be produced in perfectly normal heart. I hope that answers your question. Good Luck
With best wishes.
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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