Noticed Undigested Food In Stools. Cause?
I could think of a description where the stool is bulky, unformed, offensive and large. This is found in the following conditions
1) Infections like Shigella, E.Coli, Botulinum
2) Pancreatic lipase deficiency
3) Bile duct obstruction.
It is not easy to pin point the exact cause without investigations and examination as some typical complaints like abdominal pain, bloating and previous complaints of fever were not explained by you.
I suggest you need to go for simple testing first
Stool testing
Blood counts
Ultrasound of the abdomen.
We need to understand the problem quickly. If it is fat malabsorption then you would not be absorbing the fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. THey need to be replaced.
I will be available for your subsequent follow up before you XXXXXXX local physician and get the above simple tests. If he is not thorough you can XXXXXXX a Medical Gastroenterologist as well.
I have no abdomen pain, no fever and only slight bloating but having a bowel movement takes away the bloating. I've had stool testing, blood counts and abdomen ultrasound which all came back normal. I suspect gallbladder issues or bile acid malabsorption issues but am unsure.
I think the next best step should be to head to a Medical Gastroenterology as the complexity might increase and local GP will not be able to entangle it.