Noticed Yellowish-green Discharge After Fingering And Bump Appeared On Vagina. Fistula?

Thank you in advance.. Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for posting your query in health care magic.
I would really like to appreciate your efforts in mentioning you problem in such precise details.
From the description that you have given it appears that you do have a fistula. However the same can be confirmed only after a proper local examination. It would have been good if you could have included some picture of the lesion along with your question.
The fistula does appear like a pimple or a bump and it is generally not very painful. Probably there was a pus collected lesion which burst open leading to a fistula.
That explains your bleed, the bad smell discharge and strange colour of the discharge.
It has no relation with your ruptured or unruptured hymen.
This bump if fistula will not fade away with time. It may close for a few days to reopen again. It needs to be treated with antibiotic and some minor surgery over fistula.
You will be completely back to normal.
Chances of survival? Please try to understand that fistula is like any other wound except that it is deep and has mucosal lining in it. It is not a serious condition taht you need to panic. Atleast no chance of death cause of fistula.
It will not affect you much and if treated should recover in 1-2 weeks.
Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
If not, you can close the discussion and rate the answer accordingly.
In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link:
Wish you good health,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy M.D.

So what type of antibiotic exactly can you recommend? I have no allergies and such. Is there any over the counter meds that I can get because I don't want my mom to know. I'm scared. Is this something that I have to hide away from my mom? And what caused this fistula by the way? Was it because my boyfriend fingered me a bit too hard and that he didn't cut his nails that day? Can he still finger me the next time or do I need to wait a couple of days till I heal? After taking antibiotics, is it gonna stay away forever? Is there a chance of having it back again? Based on what I've said, is my condition mild or what? And what can I do about the smelly discharge and weird the weird color?
Thanks for the follow-up query and the snaps. Yes the bump is very much visible and it could very well be a fistula. But as I said, it could be confirmed by local examination only.
I will answer your questions one by one.
So what type of antibiotic exactly can you recommend? I have no allergies and such. Is there any over the counter meds that I can get because I don't want my mom to know.
Antibiotics which should be useful for these kind of lesions are amoxycillin or cefexime. I am not sure whether these are available OTC in XXXXXXX In India they are available OTC. May be you can just go and find out once.
I'm scared. Is this something that I have to hide away from my mom?
Not at all. It is not related to your sexual activity.
And what caused this fistula by the way? Was it because my boyfriend fingered me a bit too hard and that he didn't cut his nails that day?
Fistula can occur due to any infection leading to a boil which bursts open. There is no exact cause for infection. May be some extra personal hygiene in future will help. No relation with your sexual activity.
Can he still finger me the next time or do I need to wait a couple of days till I heal?
Yes he can. But it would be better to wait a couple of weeks. It just shouldnt look messy.
After taking antibiotics, is it gonna stay away forever? Is there a chance of having it back again?
No it is treatable. But if the treatment is not complete, it may come back.
Based on what I've said, is my condition mild or what? And what can I do about the smelly discharge and weird the weird color?
No its not serious or anything. Clean it with cotton and maintain the area dry.
Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
If not, you can close the discussion and rate the answer accordingly.
In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link:
Wish you good health,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy M.D.

I don't know what happened but it doesn't hurt anymore. I didn't do anything in particular. It feels like it's gone, only the pain though but when I put pressure on it I could still feel the bump inside. And this morning it was itching down there. Is it really like that? On keeping it dry, can I put some baby powder down there? And is it safe to use feminine wash? Also, can I buy the antibiotics by myself without a prescription or do I need to go see the doctor first? What type of doctor should I go to? How do I know if I'm healed and when do I stop taking the medications? How do I explain this to my mom? Is it possible that I have some yeast infection or some other vaginal infections? If not treated immediately, what are the possible things that could happen?
Sorry for some repetitive questions that I've been asking.
Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your follow-up query.
I am feeling happy that the wound has healed. But if its a fistula, the wound will re-appear. Hence you should consult a surgeon some time soon.
Yes, you can put some baby powder to keep it dry, but its only a temporary solution until you XXXXXXX your doctor.
No its not safe to use feminine wash.
You may not be able to get the antibiotics by yourself in the country where you are staying.
You should go to a surgeon.
The medication course should continue for 7-10 days. Only a careful local examination can suggest whether it has healed or not.
You can tell to your mom that there is some sort of boil out there which you want to show it to a doctor.
No its may not be related to any yeast or vaginal infection.
if you dont take treatment it may become chronic and may take time to heal. its better to treat it immediately so that it heals fast.
Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
If not, you can close the discussion and rate the answer accordingly.
In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link:
Wish you good health,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy M.D.

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