Numb In Feet, Back Pain, Bladder Problems, Urine Infection, Tingling In Feet
Thank you for the query.
Inspite of frequent consultations with her regular doctor her problems seem to be increasing for an year. I do not think that her problem is simple and it requires an expert evaluation especially by a Pediatric Neurologist.
Tingling of feet and toes on walking, early morning back pain and bladder issues are pointing towards a probable pathology in lower spinal segments. Frequent UTI could be due to retention of urine in the bladder. Unable to stand up after getting up from toilet seat can be lack of co ordination which is consistent with the problems associated with spinal nerves.
She might need a major work up after a thorough sensory examination of pain, touch, temperature. They include Nerve conduction studies, MRI of the spine.
Hence it is prudent to ask for an examination by a Pediatric Neurologist. They are often booked far far ahead so best get her one now.
Hope it helps. If you have follow up queries I can certainly answer you, else please accept my answer.