Obese, On Hypertension Medication. Abnormal Cholesterol Levels. Advice?
All the liver and kidney test are well within the range.
Few tests are out of range which I shall specify
Fasting blood sugar : 113
Total Cholesterol : 196
Tryglyceride : 181
HDL : 36.4
LDL : 124
VLDL: 36.2
I am under Hypertension medication and quite obese ( 130 Kg with height of 5 ft 10 inches)
Kindly help
After going through your reports, I have made few observations.
1. Liver and Kidney Functions are Normal. TSH is normal.
2. Complete Blood Counts are normal except for Percentage Eosinophils which is 07 %. Most labs consider up to 08 % as normal so its ok.
3. The lipid Profile has certain abnormalities.
Total Cholesterol: 196 (Normal is < 200)
Triglycerides : 181 (Normal is < 150)
HDL : 36.4 (Normal is > 40)
LDL : 124 (Normal is < 100)
VLDL : 36.2 (Normal is < 30)
The normal levels mentioned above are the International Recommendations for all adult patients. So we follow these cutoffs.
Your HDL (Good Cholesterol) is low and LDL (Bad Cholesterol) is elevated
Even Triglycerides and VLDL are elevated
This means you have Dyslipidaemia (Elevated Cholesterol).
4. Also your Fasting Blood Sugar is 113 (Normal < 100)
FBS: 100 - 125 is called Impaired FBS or Borderline
FBS > or = 126 is called Diabetes Mellitus (Current International Definition)
So you have Borderline Blood Sugars
5. You are also over weight: 130 Kgs
Recommendations for You:
1. At this level of cholesterol, usually medicines are not recommended. However, since you have other risk factors such as Hypertension, Over Weight and Borderline Sugars, its advisable that you start cholesterol lowering medicines. Statins are the choice and your physician would give a prescription for the same.
For Fasting Blood sugars, you will require regular exercise and weight reduction. Medicine is not recommended at this stage.
So its centres around weight reduction as of now for you.
Wish you a good health.
Take care
Dr Kiran