Overdose Of Keppra, Lemiactal, Lexapro Pills. Side Effects Of Excessive Medication?
6,75 milligram lemiactal pills
ans 9, 10 milligram lexapro Pills
Is she gonna be ok, shes only 16 and 150 pounds!!! Please please
im not sure what to do , she told me she just took them and she feels fine but i feel like she overdosed.
i also was wondering what would happen if i had 5 monsters and 4 benadryl's? Would they like mix with eachother and cause a reaction?
Thanks for posting your query.
Please take your sister to the emergency room immediately. She needs a stomach wash and supportive care. She may also need intensive care depending upon her symptoms. Please make sure that you take her to a facility which can provide intensive care.
Your sister has overdosed on three drugs, each of which have different side effects. These medications namely lamotrigine, escitalopram are used in mood disorders and levetiracetam most commonly used for seizures
1. Lamotrigine and escitalopram will cause agitation, breathing difficulty, drowsiness and sometimes unconsciousness
2. Escitalopram will cause dizziness, vomiting, sweating and most importantly heart rhythm disturbances called arrhythmias.
Once your sister has been treated in the ER, it is important that she a psychiatrist for follow up. She probably needs to be evaluated for depression and substance abuse.
I wish her good health and a speedy recovery
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.