Oversleeping, Dizzy Feeling After Waking, Taking Xanax, MRI Normal. What Is Wrong With Me?
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress.
As your investigations like MRI and sleep study is normal & no abnormality found on hearing test, then there is no need to worry about any sleep disorder. Average duration of sleep is 6-10 hrs usually and its duration differ person to person & time to time.
From your description it appear that you are having anxiety disorder. Severity of anxiety may vary time to time, in your case it is associated with variation in sleep duration. That is why your symptoms improved with Xanax which also have anti anxiety effect apart from hypnotic action.
Other symptoms of anxiety which may or may not be present in your case: nervousness, restlessness, mild irritability, excessive worry regarding own health, tremor, muscle spasm, heaviness in body, easy fatigability, headache, sleep disturbance, palpitation and dry mouth.
Anxiety occur due to neurotransmitters imbalance in brain most commonly involving serotonin neurotransmitter. You may need treatment with psychiatrist to treat your anxiety. It is not clear if you received any treatment in past, but believe me people life changes after treatment.
In drug treatment two types of medicine used. For immediate relief of anxiety benzodiazepines group of medicines (like xanax) are used and for long term relief most commonly SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used. SSRI takes around 3-4 weeks to show its effect and cognitive behaviour therapy also takes weeks to show its effect.
Apart from above advice following simple measures will help you:
-Decrease worrying about symptoms as they will cure after treatment.
-Healthy diet: Milk and fruits in diet.
-Daily morning walk and breathing exercise.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wish you good health.
Thanks for follow up,
In presence of even drug induced manic episode your diagnosis will change to bipolar disorder, which I suspect least probable in your case. So, do not take any medicines without psychiatrist advice.
If one medicine is not suitable for you then other anti anxiety medicines can be used in your case. So do not worry about that and visit psychiatrist. For performance anxiety you can take Propranolol on demand basis.
Concurrently you can go for non pharmacological treatment in form of cognitive behavior therapy.
Wish you good health.