Overweight. Feeling Lazy. Facing Concentration And Erection Problem. Any Suggestion?
The skin of penis needs treatment first. The description seems to be Lichen Sclerosis or Local psoriatic patch. THere is a chance of Posthitis as well. All these conditions are curable when you approach Dermatologist quickly. They are non bothersome and you should quickly get treated to remove the worries from your mind that these symptoms caused. These symptoms are actually adding fuel to the fire for the existing psychological problem that you have.
You are actually doing really good. You are able to attain erection but not able to hold in long. This is extremely common once or twice for any man. You are married and able to create a progeny so it very unlikely that you have any organic problem.
As your other description says you have a lot of stress, fear poor concentration problems. I suggest you to see a Psychiatrist opinion as well. YOu should get basic lab investigations done like CBC, TSH, T3, T4 before you XXXXXXX one. You seem to be depressed on some bothering issues which may be beyond the self management strategies. It is better to XXXXXXX a Psychologist / Psychiatrist along with your wife to learn more about the problem.
You can take Tab CONFIDO by Himalaya, twice in a day after breakfast and after dinner. Please note that this will not completely solve the problem you need physical counselling and Dermatologist consultations.
Let me know other concerns.