Overweight,tonsil Removal,high Bp,cholesterol,heart Burn,x-ray,knee Surgery
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Thanks for asking the question.
Your knee really must have severe degenerative changes so as to shock your physician. Even so a score of 10 and 13 is bad enough. A bone rubbing on bone and osteophytes (spurs) are not going to regress on its own. A good portion of cartilage must be already lost for knees to degenerate.
To quantitate the actual damage one needs an MRI. It will show exactly how much tissue has viability.
The treatment options are limited at this stage and can only be individualised after looking at the X-rays. Total Knee replacement is by far the best management.
If you feel like avoiding it, you might consider an injection of visco-supplement (like syn Visc one). It aims at maintaining the viscosity of the joint keeping it pain free for a period of 6 months to a year. Note- avoid taking a steroid injection in your knee joint at all cost, since it damages the joint further though keeps it pain free.
Other modalties which might benefit are anti inflammatory and glucosamine oral medication, along with calcium and vitamin c supplements to help tissue regeneration(under your physicians supervision).
A support with knee brace and physiotherapy in form of quadriceps strengthening exercises help muscles to cope up the requirements. It may also interest you to know that reduction of weight works wonders on many patients.
Kindly send us the soft copy of your X-rays so as to know if any more treatment options can be implemented. Hope I've answered your query. Do ask for more information on aforesaid treatments, I'm available for follow up.
Good day.