Pain Below Belly Button, Taking Birth Control Pill. Any Ideas What Could Be Causing This?
Thanks for the query.
the possible causes for your pain are,
-urinary tract infection: when there is urinary infection you can have pain in the lower abdomen,
in case of renal caliculi also pain can radiate to lower abdomen but usually it will be colicky in nature,
-pelvic inflammatory disease: inflammation of the adnexa can lead to PID which can present with lower abdominal pain,
-some antibiotics can affect the efficacy of birth control pills, so though low there is possibility of pregnancy,
ovarian cyst can also lead lower abdominal pain but they not common while being on birth control pills.
-intestinal causes also sometimes present with this type of pain they can range from constipation to obstruction,
if you have repeated attacks of pain or if the intensity of the pain increases better to consult doctor once and get examined to rule out the cause.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.