Pain In Fovea Capitis. Any Exercises To Strengthen The Area?
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Fovea capitis is a small central pit in the femur from which the ligamentum teres runs to the acetabulum in order to secure the femur.
It will be great in you mention the duration of the pain, is it dull aching, or it is aggravated by certain movements, is it started following injury / fall.
It needs to be evaluated to decide whether you need exercise or rest to treat it.
General treatment includes, try to avoid activities that aggravate the pain. Take over-the-counter pain medication, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Sleep on your non-painful side with a pillow between your legs.
If you are overweight, losing weight may also help to improve your symptom. Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings. Avoid running straight down hills -- walk down instead. Bicycle or swim instead of run. Reduce the amount of exercise you do.
Use ice three to four times a day for the first 2 to 3 days. Cover your hip with a towel and place ice on it for 15 minutes. Try not to stand for long periods of time. Stand with an equal amount of weight on each leg.
I advice you to follow the above mentioned measure you should be fine 5 to 6 days. If the symptom persists / aggravates i advice you to orthopedic surgeon for examination and for exact diagnosis.
Hope I have provided the information you needed.
Wish you good health. Take care.