Pain In The Acromioclavicular Joint And Clavicle Areas. Had Chiropractic For Disc Bulge And Nerve Impigmentation
I had a Disc Bulge and Nerve Impingement between C5-C6 Vertibra. I got it fixed by undergoing Chiropractic Treatment, however my Scapula was misaligned before the treatment and even post the treatment. So my shoulder always felt out of place.
Current Problem::
I started working out as part of my rehabilitation program. But I started getting severe pain in the Acromion, Acromioclavicular Joint and Clavicle areas. The Acromioclavicular Joint being the center of the pain.
I tried applying hot-pack and ice-pack but that didn't help. I tried doing Pendulum exercise but that didn't help as well. However I feel relieved when I keep my hands up.
Please suggest a solution.
Thanks for the query
I understand your concern
I have noted your medical problem and the investigations listed above.
The neurological causes that can cause such pain in this age are
1. Pinched nerve roots due to cervical spondylosis or other cause
2. Brachial plexopathy- a condition where a group of nerve in the hands will be affetectd. It can cause pain lone and/or weakness of hand
3. The third possibility which may not be neurological and can be due to muscle spasm alone.
Even if the MRI shows that there are some features of C5-C6 compression, I still feel that the possibilities could be 2 and 3 as listed above.
A thorough neurological assessment will help us guide you better as the treatment of each of the conditions is different and without a neurological evaluation I will be able to address this much.
In the mean time medications that will give you symptomatic relief are gabapentine, pregabaline, muscle relaxants and physiotherapy in a well organized centre.
I hope that I have clarified your query
In case any concern, you are free to get back to me
Please let me know if I can be any help to you
To rephrase the pain in the Acromion, Acromioclavicular Joint and Clavicle areas can be due to reasons 2 or 3 as per you.
So how do we go about doing the Neurological Assessment?
Thanks for the feed back
It could be due to reason 2 and/or 3
A detailed neurological assessment can be done by a local neurologist. If you are from Pune, You can XXXXXXX Dr XXXXXXX XXXXXXX Doshi who will help you.
Let me know if you need any other information
Best regards