Pain In The Stomach. Done Ultrasound, X-ray. Report Shows Hepatomegaly, Renal Calculus, Adenomyosis. Surgery Required?
2:Right renal calculus
3:Right VUJ calculus causing hydroureteronephrosis
4:Adenomyosis with?fibroid.
I like to know which specialist i should consult and whether she requires surgery .
Thanks for posting your query.
Thanks for sharing the medical reports of your wife.
Looking at the complaint that she has and ultrasound reports the primary reason behind the problem seems to stone only.
You need to consult an urologist for this.
There are 2 stones, one in kidney and another one in urine tube (ureter).
The stone in ureter is the one which is causing problem at present. It is lying low, depending upon the size it may or may not pass. Most of the small size stones up to 5-6 mm pass easily.
The ultrasound is also suggesting that the stone is obstructing the urine, which needs timely advice from urologist.
Rest of the changes like increase in liver size needs to be looked upon by a physician.
First of all please see an urologist for present complain at the earliest.
I hope this answers your query. I will be glad to reply any follow up queries that you have.
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