Pap Test Showed HPV Negative With A Typical Cells Of Undetermined Significance. What To Do?
Thanks for writing in.
Women older than 20 years who have a single Pap result of ASC- US ( atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance ) , are ideally managed by one of the following three options, as per guidelines :
1. HPV testing. If positive, proceed for a colposcopy, and if negative, have a repeat Pap smear after 12 months.
2. Follow up Pap smear after 6 months. After a woman has two consecutive normal smears, she can go for routine surveillance.
3. Directly proceed for colposcopy.
Of the three options, the first is the most recommended and evidence based.
Hence, you are on the right track, and do not worry as 6 months is definitely not too long to wait, as per guidelines.
Take care, and feel free to ask for further clarifications.