Prega News Self Test Positive, Breast Feeding, Unprotected Sex. Pregnant? Abortion Options?
1 child - 10 months and still breast feeding during night and may stop breastfeeding in a month.
Menstruation not started
Hence, started unprotected intercourse from 10 april - Prior to this date there was no sex as my husband was away.
As i have got some doubts due to some changes in body gone for self test preganews on 18 XXXXXXX = +ve
dont want another child so early
Cant go to gynec as my family will not approve for abortion
Pls help immediately
thnx a lot
Thanks for writing to us.
If your urine test is positive it means that you are pregnant.
The first thing you need to do now is to get an ultrasound scan done to know the duration of your pregnancy. Once you know the duration of your pregnancy only then something can be suggested.
There are kits available for medical abortion of pregnancy but they are usually recommended for pregnancies of upto 9-10 weeks.
These kits can be bought only on a doctor's prescription. It is best to use these kits under the expert guidance of a gynaecologist as such kits are often associated with complications like excessive bleeding and incomplete abortion. You will have to search a gynaecologist near your place for guidance.
I hope you have found my answer and recommendations to be both adequate and helpful. Should you have additional questions I am available to address them.