Pregnant. Having Severe Abdominal And Back Pain. Having Diarrhoea. What Treatment Should Be Done?
Thanks for writing in.
I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in cardiology.
I think, for the purpose of this illness, we have to dissociate from pregnancy because, you are in first trimester and fortunately, there has been no symptom like bleeding.
You had abdominal condition which involved lower back. Pain in left lower back is persisting after abdominal pain has subsided. There is neck stiffness and legs stiffness. This all could be viral illness. The nature of illness has to be established for the future of your child meaning it should not leave any residual effect on fetus. Therefore, my suggestion would be see a doctor in ER today itself. Apart from complete physical. examination, certain investigations can be sent. Further, management will depend on a) your physical condition b) results of investigations. To me it appears best course. Alternatively, you can call your obstetrician and follow his/her advice. Good Luck.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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