Pregnant. Took Miferstone Followed By Misoprostol. Having Bleeding With Cramps. Taking Buscopan Tab For Cramps. Continue Pills?
The bleeding you are experiencing and cramps are sufficient proof that the desired effect of the drugs is being obtained. After bleeding for the first two days and having cramps, a decrease in the quantity of bleeding is just normal.
I suggest you do NOT take the drug again, take the Buscopan to get relieved from the cramps and observe. Within the next few days, significant decrease in the signs and symptoms of pregnancy should be observed.
Within a week, the bleeding should completely stop. In case you continue experiencing bleeding, persistent signs of pregnancy, spotting or pain, you might have to consult your doctor. If not, I suggest you just stay calm for now and observe. You can take your Buscopan for now. Suspend (STOP) the mifepristone and Misoprostol.
Thanks as I wish you the best. Feel free asking further questions if need be.
Best regards,
Bain LE, MD.
As earlier mentioned, I am afraid you really do not need a syrup or specific drug at this point in time. What you experienced are expected signs and symptoms, considered very normal when the drug is taken. However, in case of severe or intense intermittent pain, Buscopan and a like immediate dose Ibuprofen, 800mg daily in two doses should be very sufficient.
Prescribing an Iron/Folic acid syrup is only justified if you have lost a considerable amount of Blood. In such a situation, I would suggestion 90 to 100mg of any Iron/Folic acid combination(Folifer, Ranferon) could all help.
I really do think what you really need now is to be calm, monitor the pain and bleeding for they should decrease. A vegetable and fruit XXXXXXX diet are appropriate at this point in time.
Thanks once again wishing you good health. Best Regards,
Bain LE, MD.