Pressure In Forehead, Ear Pain. What Could Be Causing This?
Thank you for your query.
1. The Ears are connected to the Nose and Sinuses via the Eustachian Tubes which open in the Nasopharynx behind the Nose. This Eustachian Tube helps adjust and equalize the middle ear pressure against atmospheric air pressure across the ear drums.
2. Pressure in the forehead is usually due to Frontal Sinusitis and pain in the Ears is usually due to pressure changes, fluid build-up or infection in the middle ear behind thee intact eardrum.
3. Get an ear and nose examination and Impedance Audiogram (Tympanogram) along with a PTA (Pure Tone Audiogram). Get an X-ray PNS (Para Nasal Sinuses) Water's view done.
4. You may start steam inhalation through the nose and mouth for 10-15 min. per session. Further treatment will be based on your test results. A pain killer, taken after food, may help. Additional treatment must be under medical supervision.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.