Pulsating Sensation On The Knee. No Cyst Or Discoloration. Reason?
Your question is a good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations regarding the symptoms you are experiencing.
Regarding the pulsatile feeling in the right medial knee, possibilities are arterial or venous pulsations, benign fasciculations, muscle twitches and radiculopathies due to irritation of the spinal nerves exiting the cord. If the pulsatile sensation in the knee is synchronous with the radial pulsations in the hand, possibility of arterial pulsations transmitted to the surface is the likely possibility and does not require any treatment.
Benign fasciculations is characterized by twitching in the voluntary muscles of the hands and legs. Twitching's may be occasional or may go on nearly continuously and intentional movement of the involved muscle causes the fasciculations to cease immediately. As the name implies (benign) it is a self limiting problem and does not require any evaluation or treatment.
So I feel the pulsatile could be a muscle twitch or a transmitted pulsations by an artery. These are usually intermittent and does not require any evaluation or treatment. If symptoms increase or you notice additional problems you need to see your GP for a good clinical examination and consultation. Anxiety at times can cause symptoms like these and requires no treatment.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you have found my response to be helpful. If you have additional concerns I would be happy to discuss them with you.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist.
Thanks for the information! I never did have the chance to check if my radial pulsations were synchronous with the ones in the knee during the episodes or if the movement of the muscles resolved the sx because i read your response afterwards only, and have not had any episodes since. These sx were definitely interesting, but awkward as well, and hopefully they resolve soon. They have become less frequent and last much shorter in duration today(only had 3 episodes all day with each one lasting ~ 5 sec). Once again, thanks for the great response!
Thanks for the response
As the symptoms are less frequent now we will just keep you under observation. I have a feeling that these are benign and will resolve completely without any intervention.
Wishing you good health.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist.