Red And Inflamed Eye. Had Bone Marrow Transplant Done. What Is Causing This?
Thanks for writing in.
Recurrent inflammation of the eye can be due to recurrent uveitis, recurrent iritis and a host of other conditions. The cause of these conditions can range from herpes simplex, varicella zoster, arthritis, connective tissue disorders, Cogan's syndrome and a host of other causes. The possibility of chronic graft vs host disease also needs to be ruled out, particularly if you have started noticing dryness in your eyes.
The questions that you need to ask your ophthalmologist include:
a. Which part of the eyes getting inflamed?
b. What are the reasons?
c. What is the main line of treatment? What are the side effects I can expect?
d. Can it lead to an emergency? If yes, how can I prevent it?
e. Are there any precautions I can take to prevent the episodes all together?
f. Do I need to always carry steroid drops?
g. How is it related to the graft vs host disease I had?
h. How frequently should I be back for an exam?
i. What is the long term outlook?
j. Do I risk losing my vision due to this?
As far as the long term outlook of your disease is concerned, it can be decided only once we nail down the cause of your symptoms.
Hope this helps
Let me know if I can address any more concerns.