Reducible Inguinal Hernia With Squelching Noises. Why?
The small reducible inguinal hernia is a bland disease till it's size does not increase drastically and the associated dragging pain is not aggravated in which case it should be corrected by herniorrhaphy through a planned surgery.
In the initial phase the hernia is made of the Sac which is peritoneal fold coming out through inguinal ring; Later the gut also follows to reside in the sac. It's the sounds of bowel movement which contains gas/food material that you listen/feel at the hernial swelling.
Herniaof this size is harmless even when it gives out gut sounds.
Beware if you develop gripping pain at the swelling, abrupt increase in swelling along with systemic features like drop in BP, fever etc. then it must be a incarcerated hernia and is a surgical emergency.
Must be managed emergently.
Otherwise this much inguinal hernia is innocuous and you don't need to be worried about it.
I hope this answers your queries.