Rough Patches Of Skin On Penis, Red, Swollen, Wrinkled, Itching. Could This Be Happening Because I Masturbate Too Much?
1. Could this be happening because I masturbate too much for too long of a period of time? I don't feel like I am masturbating more often than normal, but maybe for longer periods than is usual.
2. Could this be jock itch or ringworm that has spread to the penis? Last night the itching woke me up twice, so I applied some over the counter jock itch cream to it. That seemed to subside the itching.
3. Could this be a symptom of a std? I have genital herpes, but have only have had two outbreaks near my butt crack (over about 7 years time). I had gonnorhea in the past. Could this be a re-infection? I have only had one partner (my boyfriend) in the past 2-3 months. All we have done is kiss and I have received blowjobs from him.
4. Does this look like some other sort of chronic skin problem? The wrinkled, red, scaly look/feel really is disturbing me.
Thanks for writing in.
This is most likely to be Balanoposthitis due to skin irritation.
The irritation may have been caused by lubricants or soaps or creams that you may have applied.
It has nothing to do with masturbation per se.
However, we should be cautious as you have had STIs in the past.
I think it is best to get yourself examined by a dermatologist personally to rule out herpes and candidal balanoposthitis (yeast infection).
SO to answer your questions specifically.
1. No, this seems unrelated to masturbation unless you have used lubricants.
2. This may be an extension of jock itch but chances are less given the morphology of the lesions.
3. Doesnt look like an STI at present. But it is worth ruling Genital herpes, out.
4. The best possibility is acute dermatitic balanoposthitis. It is not a chronic problem.
As of now you may use a mild steroid+antifungal combination cream twice daily.
Book an appointment with a dermatologist, too.
I hope I have answered your query.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.
1. Balanoposthitis, according to other things I have read online, is usually associated with males who are uncircumsized. I am circumsized. Does balanoposthitis also affect circumsized males? What are the glans?
2. Can you tell me exactly what type/brand of steroid+anti-fungal cream I can purchase at the drug store?
However, incidence is higher in uncircumsized males.
Glans is the front portion of the penis (the head).
I am extremely sorry, I am not allowed to prescribe brand names here as these medicines are not available OTC and you will need a prescription for the same.