Severe Itching In Pubic Area. Cause And Cure?
It’s absolutely necessary to have a clinical examination to ascertain and have an orientation with respect to the diagnosis. It’s important to know the speed of onset, date of onset, associated symptoms with what you are experiencing.
The causes could range from an allergy, especially if it’s very acute in onset and shall be accompanied by excessive itches, redness, at times and skin pilling or mild fever.
A fungal infection could also lead to itches in this area. Generally in this case, the area is dry, crusty or have some well rounded well defined skin eruptions.
Viruses like herpes virus could also be implicated. But in this case, the eruptions seen are at different stages of evolution, with associated very itchy and at times painful ulcers.
Differentiating between these various causes clinically is very easy. I therefore suggest you consult your proper clinical evaluation and management.
Thanks and best regards,
Dr Luchuo, MD.