Severe Pain On Elbow After Injury. X-ray Clear. Swelling And Bruised Appeared. What To Do?
In most cases the initial examination and xray should reveal a fracture, however a medical study published in 2006 in BMC emergency medicine revealed that just over 3% of fractures were initially missed in the ER.
It is possible that it is only a soft tissue injury- these can cause significant pain, swelling and bruising but if the pain and swelling does not start receding after 24 to 48 hrs, then you need to consider re visiting your doctor for a repeat assessment.
In the meantime you can practice what is called R.I.C.E. This stands for rest, icing the area of injury, compression-use a bandage to reduce the swelling and elevation- elevation of the affected are reduces the swelling and may also have a positve impact on the pain.
Also continue using the pain killers that they would have given you.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
If at least 36 hrs later it is still significantly swollen and painful, with not even the slightest improvement , then I do believe you should have yourself reassessed.
As mentioned, it has been documented that some fractures can be missed and it is better safe than sorry.
feel free to ask any other questions