Sharp Pain In The Chest While Breathing. Stopped Lifting Weights. Will Bromelain Supplement Cure The Pain?
Thanks for posting your query.
You have most likely got a muscle or ligament strain and it's common in young exercising males.
When you breathe you work your chest muscles and that causes the pain.Though there can be other possibilities of chest pain like pleuritic, cardiac or lung disorders, in your case its most likely muscular.The pain should subside or reduce on it's own or with rest and analgesics, once the healing starts.
You have to consult your doctor or an orthopaedic surgeon as a month is too long for the pain to last.The doctor after thorough examination might do a chest xray or ultrasound done and confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate treatment.
Rest, analgesia with ibuprofen etc and physiotherapy might be prescribes.
If by any chance an inflammation or infection is suspected then anti inflammatory & antibiotics might be required.
Bromelain is used to reduce inflammation but please do not take it without your doctors advise as it is not without sideeffects and there are better therapeutic antiinflammatory medicines available on prescription.
It's not advisable to wait or self medicate any more as already a month has passed and treatment should not be delayed for better relief .
Hope I have answered your query.