Sharp Pain On The Hands While Stretching, Pain In The Wrist. Suggestion?
I have sharp pains on the top of both my hands. It hurts to clench anything and it also hurts when I stretch my hands, like showing all five fingers. My right hand hurts through to my palm and into my wrist. I play hockey but I sustained no injury my last game, 2 days ago. I've never had this before. What gives?
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There can be several reasons for pain in palm. If you did not have an injury while playing or otherwise, I suppose its something to do with your tendons or ligaments rather than bones. Most common reason is a mild sprain that you must have sustained somehow. The symptoms like pain on stretching hand and inability to grip confirms that.
You need to give it some rest for a while, use hot fomentation twice a day and local ointment for pain relief. Avoid gripping and lifting objects altogether. Keep it in most comfortable position or use a splint/crepe bandage most of the time (including at night) for best results. Watch for worsening of symptoms like increase in pain, appearance of swelling and tingling numbness in fingers. If you get any of these, visit your physician and get a check up done followed by investigations like x XXXXXXX or mri.
It looks like it will resolve on its own in a couple of days. Do not take medications unless absolutely necessary. Hope you find this answer informative. For any further queries, I'm available for follow up.