Smegma Build-up, Red Dots On Penis, Pain After Masturbation, Uncircumcised
Thanks for the query.
You need to throughly clean yourself and maintain local hygiene.Normally, a healthy foreskin can be retracted for cleansing and smegma can be removed by washing.
The fact that it is a superficial substance renders its removal easy, provided cleansing is performed with regularity. Particular attention should be given to the depths of the foreskin where smegma is liable to lodge in the pocket between foreskin and glans.
Without correct treatment, ill health of the foreskin is liable to worsen --- formation of smegma continues and, without outlet or access for cleansing, deposits collect and harden within the foreskin cavity. Such compact masses of smegma can lead to chronic disease, and even prepare the way for cancerous changes.
You can answer a few questions regarding it.
1.Did you have intercourse recently without condom?
2.Do you have diabetes?
Hope i have answered your query.I will be available for follow up.