Sore Throat, Enlarged Thyroid, Ultrasound Showed Nodules, Fever, Coughing, Difficulty Swallowing, Night Sweats. Worried About What Is Going On
I've been back to see the doctor a couple days ago and was told that my throat only looks mildly inflamed now and that my symptoms may be due to anxiety and a continued common cold. However I am worried there may be something more sinister going on. Please help. Thanks
Thank you for your query.
1. Get a videolaryngoscopy done. Persistent common cold causes a post nasal drips down causing a dry throat. Medication for common cold also causes dryness in the throat.
2. Acid reflux may also be involved. It may be a contributing cause to dryness in the throat and nose along with allergy. The delicate lining (mucosa) of the throat and food pipe is usually in contact with saliva which is alkaline. The gastric acid and digestive enzymes irritate this mucosa. Damage to deeper layers causes spasm of underlying muscle tissue, and dryness leading to the knot like feeling.
3. Anti allergic medication increases the dryness and must be used judiciously. A cough suppressant (as against an expectorant) will help. Anti-reflux medication with dietary changes will help. It may be a contributing cause of the irritation and spasms in the throat. Mucaine Gel and anti-reflux medication may help.
4. The only association between the thyroid and pain in the throat is Thyroiditis, which has been ruled out with biopsy. What exactly was your biopsy report? Get your Thyroid Function Tests and a Thyroid Scan done.
5. Your night sweats may be due to anxiety, mouth breathing (nasal congestion), excess thyroid hormones or acid reflux.
6. A normal abdominal ultrasound should rule out hiatus hernia which is associated in a third of reflux cases. Loosing a few kilos of weight and reducing stress also helps control reflux. You may discuss with your physician to start anti-reflux medication. Cardiac and respiratory causes for neck and chest tightness must be ruled out.
I must emphasize that Cancer is not a worry at present. This is usually investigated so as not to miss any rare cause. Kindly let me know the results of your investigations, with images and video of the videolaryngoscopy, if possible. This will help decide medication and further treatment.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.