Soreness And Mild Swelling On The Nose After Injury. Feeling A Lump. Bleeding From Nose. Advice?
A person with a nose injury has damage to a structure in the nose, caused by an injury. A nasal injury may involve a facial contusion, facial fracture, nosebleed, or nasal bone fracture.
Symptoms of a nose injury include facial bruise, nosebleed, facial pain, facial swelling, facial tenderness, a deformed nose, and inability to breathe normally through the nose.
Since you don't have any deformed nose or any facial fracture or there is no problem in your breathing,it means it is not serious and should be all right soon with cold compress and Bleeding from nose is very minor and nothing specific is to be done.
However if the bleeding from nose increases or you feel some deformity on nose,you must visit ER,although chances for that look very remote.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Thanks and best of luck.
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