Started With Throwing Up And Then Diarrhea. Advise What To Do?
It kept on all day and now again this morning. Can you advise what to do??
Vomiting and diarrhea occurring abruptly in a span of few hours is a feature consistent with the possibility of intestinal infection. And likely most intestinal infection the symptoms are self remitting. However as recurrent episodes lead to dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities; some of the symptoms are dealt with caution.
Let me describe those symptoms which will need immediate medical attention.
1. Persistent vomiting is most important one. If you are throwing up all that you eat repeatedly, I suggest you to visit the ER for fluid therapy and to take antiemetic drugs at the earliest.
2. Occurrence of abdominal cramps in association with loose stools. Painful cramps suggest serious infection which will need antibiotic therapy.
3. Profuse blood seen with stool in each episode of bowel movements.
4. Lastly if you develop fever.
If the aforementioned ominous signs are absent, I would suggest you to wait for couple of days. You can take plenty of fluids to keep hydrated. Take plenty of yoghurt with food. Add lactobacillus supplements for additional benefits.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need specific advice to handle this acute problem.