Stiffness, Pain, Swelling In Operated Knee. Had Knee Replacement Surgery For Osteoarthritis. Is It Normal?
start to "drag' the left leg around and cannot walk any further. There is of course still a lot of "heat" emanating from this knee. It also makes very noticeable squelching sounds when I move it up and down whilst even in a seated position. Is this normal behaviour for "four months" post knee opration or is there something not right with the knee replacement eg have the implants become "loosened" and the operation needs to be re-done to properly re-glue the implants.
Thanks for writing to us.
You are in post acute phase of knee replacement.It is not uncommon for having pain, swelling and stiffness.
There will always be some differences among patients when it comes to set time frames with pain and recovery.
It is also common to experience swelling below the knee, into the calf. Most times this is a result of gravity (standing on your feet and walking). This type of swelling should go away in the morning if you elevate your leg at night. Wearing a compression stocking that goes above the knee can also help.
As the healing progresses and your knee gets stronger, your swelling will diminish. I advise using ice packs regularly during your recovery.At this point you can use single point cane to better handle your pain and swelling.
Hope this will helps you.Please do write back if you have any additional concerns.
Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Wishing you speedy recovery...
Dr Saurabh Gupta.
Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Answered by
Dr. Saurabh Gupta
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement
Practicing since :2004
Answered : 5930 Questions