Stopped Taking Amoxicillin. Pain And Redness In Clitoris. What Is The Possible Disease?
Thanks for your query.
The kid is suffering from mild vulvo vaginitis.
This is very common in young girls, as the vaginal lining is extremely thin and fragile due to inadequate oestrogen exposure.
Most children and adolescent girls suffer from it at some stage.
It is aggravated by moisture and dampness around the genital area.
Tight clothes and obesity worsen it.
Use of scented / medicated baths, soap bubbles, disinfectants further worsens the problem.
Mild cases can be managed at home, but you need to consult a Gynecologist if symptoms worsen, there is blood stained discharge etc.
Make her wear loose cotton underwear.
Avoid tight trousers, jeans etc.
Avoid use of ANY kind of medicated cleansers, lotions, douches, scented toilet paper, towels, soap etc.
Check for worm infestation which might cause the scratch itch cycle and compound the inflammation.
Try baking powder - warm water soaks, that is, add 60 ml baking powder to a tub of lukewarm water and soak for 20 minutes, making sure she spreads her legs wide enough.Try this 2 - 3 times per day.
Local steroid ointment should also reduce the rash.
Amoxicillin is also known for causing rash and redness, which will resolve now that she is off medication.
If the redness persists, or gets worse despite treatment, consult a doctor .
Take care and feel free to ask for further clarifications