Strict Diet, Semi Starvation Diet, Weight Loss, No Health Issues. Essential Vitamins During Dieting ?
Age 28, height 176cm and weight 120kg.
I'm perfectly healthy. I did a check up three months ago and the doctor told my I'm fine. (thanks God). I'm planning to start a very severe diet. In fact, I will start a semi starvation diet cuz I have to loss weight immediately. I know its a bad a idea but I'm going to do.
I'm sending you this query to ask you that what are the essential vitamin i have to take while doing this.
Thanks for writing to us.
Since you have made up your mind to lose weight very fast, let me make you aware of the possible problems you might face due to this.
Too rapid weight loss can cause you to lose muscle rather than fat. It also increases your chances of developing other problems, such as gallstones and nutrient deficiencies.
Making long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits is the only way to lose weight and keep it off! Slow and steady weight loss of no more than 1-2 pounds per week is the safest way to lose weight.
During a semi starvation diet, you will not be taking fat so you need to replenish all the fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K through supplements. Also it is better to take a multivitamin and multimineral preparation regularly which contains all essential nutrients and trace elements like- Zinc, magnesium, selenium, Vitamin B- complex, etc.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.