Suffering From Body Pain, Fever And Loose Motion. Suggest Medication?
Please suggest me me medicine which could make me relax very soon.
Every medical condition does not have a quick fix.
You seem to be suffering with an infection. And all infection recovers in a few days time and not immediately. Nevertheless, you can take the following measures to make you feel better. They include:
1. Acetaminophen tablets like Tab. Calpol 500mg thrice a day.
2. Oral rehydration solution - electral powder mixed with water every for every loose stools.
3. Probiotic and prebiotic - Tab. Sporolac thrice a day / curd/yogurt with every meal.
4. Drink plenty of fluids. Plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet.
5. Multivitamin pills (B-complex and vitamin C supplements).
You should feel better with these medicines while your body fights out the infection. Follow up with your local doctor in case you do not feel better in a couple of days time.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if you need any other assistance.