Suffering From Depression And Insomnia. Started Feeling Sleepy After Taking Serta 50, Etilaam. Cause And Cure?
Thanks for your query.
Depression is not always situational (because of stress). Many times it is biological due to biochemical changes in brain. Such Depression does not improve by exercise or guidance or lifestyle modifications only but all these measures help in recovery with medicines. Your depression appears to biological to me due to its severity.
In biological depression, depression occur without stress or not in proportion with the stress in life. Such depression occur most commonly due to lack of serotonin in brain, apart from other neurotransmitters.
If we see your treatment, serta balance serotonin level in brain to relieve depression, and etilaam/zapiz decreases anxiety and improve sleep. So, you can restart treatment under your neuropsychiatrist supervision.
Depression can lead to increase menstrual bleed due to increase perceived stress. Apart from that it is important to have check up from gynecologist for this problem.
Wish you good health.
Thanks for follow up.
If Serta was effective and suitable for you then it is better for you in current episode to use Serta.
Duration of treatment is complex decision and rely on severity of depression, medical co morbidities, stress in life and number of depressive episodes.
In general treatment duration is:
1st episode of depression: one year
2nd and 3rd episode of depression: lifelong
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Wish you good health.
I want to know if these medicines have any side effects?
Thanks for follow up.
Zaptra and serta both have almost similar side effects profile.
Like every medicine these also have side effects and there is long list of side effects you can find on net. But on clinical practice we see very less side effects with them as these are one of the safest medicine.
Side effects: nausea (25%), ejaculation failure (14%), insomnia (21%), diarrhea (20%), dry mouth (14%), somnolence (13%), dizziness (12%), tremor (8%) and decreased libido (6%). Those that most often resulted in interruption of the treatment were drowsiness (7%), nausea (3%), diarrhea (2%) and insomnia (2%)
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Wish you good health.