Suffering From Diabetes. Getting Severe Pain In Shoulder And Legs. Safe To Take Painkillers?
We are taking him for the regular check up on every 3-4 months and he is taking the regular madicine also. Now the problem is shoulder pain. He is getting severe pain on the shoulder and legs. We are applying pain relefe
I appreciate your concern for your father.
I am glad to know that he is taking care of diabetes regularly, I would like to know following:
1) On which side is the shoulder pain? Is the pain related to movement or rest?
2) Is the pain in leg is one side or both side? What is the type of pain and is it related to exertion? Is he having burning or tingling sensation and numbness?
3) Is he a Smoker or takes alcohol?
Please let me know current status of blood sugar level, any other investigation done and current treatment including treatment for Diabetes.
I feel he may be having arthritis or neuropathy as he is diabetic, waiting for you reply so that I can answer in detail.
In the mean time local application of analgesic gel and hot fomentation may be continued.
ANS: Mostly his Right shoulder will be paining. He can not move the hand more than the shoulder level and also he is not able carry small weight (2Kgs)
2) Is the pain in leg is one side or both side? What is the type of pain and is it related to exertion? Is he having burning or tingling sensation and numbness?
He can not stand for long time. Forcefully he stand but, in the evening after 8PM, he will getting lot of pain on elbow and toes finger.
3) Is he a Smoker or takes alcohol?
He doesnot smoke or take alcohol.
Thanks for giving necessary information.
1. He seems likely suffering with right shoulder periarthritis (Frozen Shoulder) for which consult a Orthopedic surgeon - X XXXXXXX and MRI of shoulder joint and Spine will confirm the diagnosis. Medications and physiotherapy may be planned accordingly.
2. Lower limp pain may be unrelated to the shoulder pain. However simultaneous assessment of lower limbs may be carried out to rule out any orthopedic issues. In view of difficulty in standing he should also be evaluated neurologically and EMG and good that he is not smoking and drinking.
3. In the mean time, continue analgesic and heat compresses.
Please inform me about progress and if you have any query I will be available to answer that.