Suffering From Nasal Discharge. Using Nasal Steroid Spray. Is There Any Permanent Cure?
I am Dr Ravinder Sharma ENT surgeon
On the basis of the information provided it appears that you have a sinu-nasal infection with post nasal drip. You already had a course of antibiotic and antifungal preparations. I suggest to go for a
1. Repeat CT scan Nose and PNS
2. Nasal swab for culture and sensitivity, smear for Gram stain and fungal smear
3. Fasting and Post Prandial blood sugar
Once you have these reports, please go for a ENT consultation. I am sure once a diagnosis is made the treatment will be simple and straightforward. I will not suggest you to start treatment till a diagnosis is made.
Another option is that you can send a me the reports of the above mentioned investigations aso that i can help you further.
I hope this answers your concerns. Feel free to contact me if you require more information about it.
with regards
Ravinder Sharma